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BY admin

Three Tips on Being Thankful All Year

This is my favorite week of the year!  I enjoy it more than even an entire week of vacation on a beach.  I like it because it is a meaningful holiday that doesn’t have the pressure of gifts, parties, etc.  I also like it because giving thanks, counting blessings and being appreciative is really good for my spirit and mind.  I am fortunate to have a wonderful spouse and children who also appreciate this holiday.  More importantly, my children and spouse have brought home ideas which have now become part of our family tradition – giving thanks every day of the year and not just this upcoming Thursday or in a month during the Holiday Season.

I want to share with you some of the things we do as a family and individually to be appreciative of our blessings and to be thankful.

1.  Susan, my wife, saw an idea on Pintrest about keeping a “Thankful Jar.”  We have had this jar on our kitchen counter since January and keep a pen and pad of paper by it.  Everyone is encouraged to write something for which they are thankful and write it on the paper and put in the jar.  While some notes are put in during the week, it seems Sunday dinner time is when the most notes are added.  Guests often ask about the jar and when we tell them about it, add to it as well.  This Thanksgiving we are going to pull the notes out and read them.  I probably have about 10 notes in there related to gratitude for on-time flights and naps!  I also have a feeling our dog will be in there quite a bit too.

2.  With my busy travel schedule and 4 children, it is difficult to have dinner with one another, but we try as often as possible.  When we do, we have a tradition of going around the table and asking each person 3 questions:  1) Something that happened that day that was bad or not so good; 2) Something that was good or positive (we call these two questions “Good Things Bad Things”); and, 3) Something for which each person is thankful.

3.  I keep a journal, and while I do not write in it every day, when I do, I list out 3 things for which I am grateful.  Interestingly, I rarely can stop at 3!  I find that no matter how I feel when I am journaling, when I write that section, I feel a whole lot better.

These are just ideas that my family and I use to focus on how fortunate and blessed we are.  The main idea is to be thankful often; take time to be appreciative and you will be amazed at the positive outlook you develop.

To our candidates, Alumni and any other Veterans reading this blog, all of us at Cameron-Brooks are thankful for your service and your families’ sacrifices.  To our client companies, thank you for trusting us to help build the future of your company.

To Rob Davis and Pete Van Epps, my colleagues and fellow road warriors, thank you for teaching me so much, being patient with my leadership and being away from home many nights.

To the rest of the C-B Team, thank you for all you do.  I love working with you.

Joel Junker