
  • Maximize Interview Success: 3 Can’t-Miss Tips (E201)

    I think one of the hardest parts of the transition from the military is the unknowns and uncertainty about what is next. Not everyone experiences this uncertainty. Many JMOs who … Continue reading “Podcast”

  • Grateful to Serve – Independence Day 2024 (E200)

    We started this podcast 8 years ago on May 26, 2016 and as we’ve reached our 200th episode, we are extremely grateful for the officers with whom we get to … Continue reading “Podcast”

  • 3 Tips on Long-Term Career Thinking (E199)

    Welcome back! As Transition Coaches, a topic that we often help officers think through as they are making decisions about getting out of the military is short-term thinking versus long-term … Continue reading “Podcast”

  • Post-military career in manufacturing: Find out what it’s like (E198)

    Welcome back! This is the second installment in our Career Field series podcasts. In our first episode (Episode 192), we featured three Cameron-Brooks alumni who explained their careers within the … Continue reading “Podcast”

  • Real JMO Transition Stories: Cameron-Brooks Career Conference (Ep 197)

    Welcome back! This episode continues our Post-Conference Review series. As many of you know, Cameron-Brooks holds five Career Conferences per year. After every Career Conference, we lead a webcast with … Continue reading “Podcast”