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BY petevanepps

The Importance of Enthusiasm

The ability to build rapport is one of the most important elements to connecting in a business interview. In the 4th Edition of PCS to Corporate America, by Roger Cameron with Chuck Alvarez and Joel Junker, multiple examples of how to build rapport and the pitfalls in failing to so are discussed. Specifically, the book highlights ways to display professional energy and enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is such a crucial element in interviewing to help companies to see your fit and is essential to building rapport.  Building rapport, along with demonstrating you desire for the company and role and proving your ability, are the key elements of a successful interview. Delivering on these three requirements allows a hiring manager to see you in the role and ultimately extend you an offer for employment.  Below is an article that my colleague, Joel Junker, wrote in 2012. I wanted  his article to resurface to the top of the blog because at our last Career Conference, some of the most frequent comments given by hiring managers about the JMOs they interviewed were, “Too reserved,” “Very low energy” and “Dry, monotone.”  In almost every case where these comment were given, the manager chose not to pursue the JMO further.


Leaders Communicate with Enthusiasm