Our Podcast

BY petevanepps

Cameron-Brooks Podcast Episode 32: Former JMOs use reverse mentorship in their business careers

We have a first for the Above and Beyond Podcast – this week I am joined by two Cameron-Brooks alumni – Craig Miller and Zach Boguslawski. Both are in leadership roles at Godiva. Craig is a former Army Military Police officer and currently a Manager of Global Supply Chain Finance and Zach is a former Navy NFO and currently and Project Manager. This conversation came about when I spoke to David Koch on Episode 32 about his transition from the USMC to Godiva. He mentioned that he, Craig and Zach are focused on raising awareness of the leadership advantage of former JMOs. They are also involved in “Reverse Mentoring” where Millennial leaders meet with more senior members of the leadership team to to discuss ways to grow their business.

They provide some great insight into both topics and give an inside look at the different they are making at Godiva.

