Our Podcast

BY Cameron-Brooks

Episode 149 – What is a Transition Strategy? Why You Might Need One…

What is a transition strategy? Do you need one? We tackle this topic on our most recent Cameron-Brooks podcast episode. Today, we’re hosting another round-table discussion with Joel Junker and Pete Van Epps to share with you our THREE game-changing strategies for junior military officers

looking to make the jump to business and WHY it’s important to have transition strategies put in place.

Deciding to step out of a career in government and into a career in the private sector is a BIG step. Our team works hard to provide different career planning strategies to the officers in our program … and today, we wanted to SHARE some of these strategies with YOU.

Everyone knows the old adage, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” One of the biggest missteps we see officers make when approaching a transition is assuming your military experience is sufficient preparation to successfully move to Corporate America AND/OR not starting transition research far enough in advance. Having a strategy is KEY to putting the right foot forward.

So, what ARE the three strategies?

  1. Find opportunities where you can build a track record of success, typically within three to five years.
  2. Work for an industry-leading company that provides the right number of experiences and opportunities to lead early in a career.
  3. Work for an organization that values the JMO experience and provides opportunities to achieve results, setting the foundation for the future.

We expand on these strategies during our discussion and discuss how they are important to long-term transition success. After listening to this episode, we hope you walk away with additional insights on how to approach your transition strategy and career search.

To learn more about career and transition strategies, check out our (free!) transition guide on the subject. Interested in exploring your options with Cameron-Brooks?  Curious about how to make a successful transition? Check out our website, YouTube Channel and follow us on LinkedIn