Our Podcast

BY petevanepps

Cameron-Brooks Podcast: Episode 42 – “Never Stop Learning” Key to Transition Success

Welcome back to the podcast! This week, I interview Josh Ewing who shares with us his key to transition success. Josh is a former Army Logistics officer who transitioned to EMCOR in the latter half of 2013. He started in a Transition Team Project Manager role for two years and Josh Ewing, former Army logistics officer, now with EMCOR, shares the Key to Transition Success.was then promoted to Account Director in January 2016. Josh offers great perspective on EMCOR and Integrated Facilities Management, focusing on delivering value to the customer and effectively managing his business. Toward the end of the conversation, he also gives some great advice that I think is beneficial to anyone listening, whether still in the military or out.

To learn more about how Cameron-Brooks helps military officers transition, head over to our website at Cameron-Brooks.com.

Pete Van Epps