July 9, 2024

What’s Your Plan and Who’s Your Guide?

Hello everyone, and welcome back! I hope everyone had a great Independence Day and Fourth of July celebration with family and friends. A month ago, I wrote a blog posing … Continue reading “What’s Your Plan and Who’s Your Guide?”

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May 2, 2023

Today’s Economy and Jobs for JMOs?

Let’s talk about today’s economy and jobs for JMOs. Where do the economy and, more importantly, career opportunities for Junior Military Officers (JMOs) stand? For 13 months, the Federal Reserve … Continue reading “Today’s Economy and Jobs for JMOs?”

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March 9, 2020

Episode 92 – The Military to Business Transition Doesn’t Have to Be Risky

Military to business transition doesn’t have to be risky — especially if you have the right partner who knows how to make the transition successfully.  However, it does require one … Continue reading “Episode 92 – The Military to Business Transition Doesn’t Have to Be Risky”

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October 2, 2018

January 28-29 Hiring Conference – Charlotte, NC

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March 12, 2018

Cameron-Brooks Podcast: Episode 45 – Want to Learn the Right Way for a JMO to Navigate the Transition?

Last year, Cameron-Brooks Alumnus Dan Meloro walked into a meeting for his production site.  This meeting would change the trajectory of his career.  He learned that his production site would … Continue reading "Cameron-Brooks Podcast: Episode 45 – Want to Learn the Right Way for a JMO to Navigate the Transition?" Read More
February 6, 2017

Cameron-Brooks Podcast – Episode 18: Former Navy Nuke Says Secret to Success is to Continually Reinvent Yourself

John Tunison is a former Navy Nuclear Power Submarine Officer who transitioned to a career at Shell Oil in 2003.  John graduated from the Naval Academy with a major in Political … Continue reading "Cameron-Brooks Podcast – Episode 18: Former Navy Nuke Says Secret to Success is to Continually Reinvent Yourself" Read More
January 11, 2017

Cameron-Brooks Podcast – Episode 16: What Does a Demand Planner Do?

In another episode of the Cameron-Brooks podcast, we interview Chip Autry, a Demand Planner at GSK. Chip is a former Army Officer who made the transition to business in 2012. … Continue reading "Cameron-Brooks Podcast – Episode 16: What Does a Demand Planner Do?" Read More
May 3, 2016

Sampling of Where April Candidates are Launching Business Careers

The actual Cameron-Brooks April Career Conference concluded April 5th , but over the last 3 weeks (18 working days) the candidates conducted follow up interviews, on site, with companies.  As of … Continue reading “Sampling of Where April Candidates are Launching Business Careers”

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December 8, 2015

Don’t Be a Perpetual Critic

Critical thinking skills are an important part of being an effective leader.  A good leader has to be able to look at processes and strategies, and then use logic and … Continue reading “Don’t Be a Perpetual Critic”

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January 11, 2011

Burning the Ships

If you’ve followed our blog or perhaps attended one of our information meetings or webcasts, we talk a lot about our client companies looking for candidates who have both the … Continue reading “Burning the Ships”

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