Our Blog

BY Joel Junker

A Memorial Day Message from the Cameron-Brooks Team

We pause today to remember the brave men and woman of the United States Armed Forces, whom we are so privileged to call fellow Americans.  So many of them have willingly served, sacrificed and placed themselves in Harm’s Way to defend our country, liberty and way of life.  Throughout our country’s history, many have paid the ultimate price, laying down their lives on the altar of freedom.   The joys of liberty are often earned by the sacrifices of those who served a cause greater than themselves.  On Memorial Day, we mourn and remember all who have served, and especially those who have given their lives in the line of duty.  We hope on this Memorial Day they can rest in peace knowing that we are thinking of them, their families, and the great honor they provide to all Americans. 

Thank you to our military personnel who continue to serve, especially in faraway places.  We are in awe of your unwavering resolve to stand strong and proud every day in the service of our great country.

The Cameron-Brooks Team

Chuck, Joel, Mary Lou, Rob, Pete, Janis, Candy, Michelle, Leslie, Bernadette, Danielle, Pam, Debbie, Diana, Carole, Rachel, Josie, Aimee, and Lauren